Easter Sunday was spent at Scott's grandparents' house. There are still a few nieces and nephews young enough to enjoy a good Easter egg hunt. Apparently Chance likes a good egg hunt too. I'm sure he was watching where they were put, and as soon as everyone had their backs turned he snagged an egg! He will eat ANYTHING!
Scott hasn't had a lot of time to play lately. He's been working full-time as an EMT at Columbus, part-time at Eupora, taking 18 hours of school work, and doing clinicals. He finally got a break from everything (including studying) and went turkey hunting. He bagged the turkey below within the first 10 minutes. Without questions, he went back out.

Scott didn't look too happy when I was taking his picture, so I told him to act happy. He made several crazy faces that I got lucky enough to get pictures of. The one above is my favorite.
We had a baby shower for one of the ladies at work and I volunteered to make the cake. I've been dying to make a baby booty cake that I saw online. It gave me fits with the icing for the sheet cake, but I think it turned out pretty good considering.

This is the booty part of the cake before I put it on the sheet cake. I wish I would have had more time to dedicate to details, but I was a little busy that week.
I forgot to snap a picture before covering the cake. :-( It was so much cuter without the plastic wrap on it, but I was not about to unwrap it!
This toilet is being passed around the community by my church. We are one of the Relay for Life teams in Eupora; this is one of our fundraisers. We were lucky enough to get it from a friend from church. We passed it along to Scott's mom.
Eupora had a parade for the troop we had leaving. Several members of our church went to the parade. I think most of Eupora was there.
Before the parade I was about to die of thirst, so I went by the local drive-in to get a cherry-limeade. I told them I wanted very little ice (because I wanted more drink). I think they replaced the ice with cherries. Someone got a little carried away! And this picture was taken after I had eaten a couple of cherries.
Scott was at the parade in his rig. :-) I was able to zoom in and get a shot of him trying to backup without running over anyone. lol For those of you who don't know, Scott will be starting full-time at Eupora next week. Does that mean I'll see him more? Not necissarily...he'll be part-time at Columbus still.