Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Movie with the Girls

There's something about going to the movies that I love.  It's an opportunity to just get away from it all.  Distractions and the world disappear for a couple of hours.  What makes a movie great?  Sharing them with someone you love.

Last Saturday I went to Madison to visit with Jeremy and his family.  When Lauren found out that I was planning to go to the movies she quickly asked to go.  I promised Jeremy that if he brought the girls up I would take them to the movies.  The next day, after inviting Gracie to tag along, us girls loaded up and headed to the theater to watch The Tooth Fairy.  Our movie going experience (Gracie's first) was made complete with popcorn, Jr. Mints, and Sour Punch Straws.

 L-r: Kendall (11), Gracie (4), Lauren (9)


  1. they are so cute! glad y'all had a great time. and you're right, it is about sharing the experience. did you notice how you didn't even tell us how the movie was? that wasn't the most important part of it :o)

  2. The movie was cute. The girls loved it!
