Labor and delivery really wasn't bad, although I did end up opting for an epidural after the doctor broke my water. I regret it a little but am glad that it had started to wear off by the time it was time to push so that I could actually halfway tell if I was pushing effectively. I had lots of great support during labor. Both of our moms, Nanny and Kristi were there to give us support. Scott, Dr. Whittle and Regina (our nurse) were all great support during delivery. I couldn't have done as well as I did without them.
Seeing Micah for the first time and seeing the smile on Scott's face during delivery and once Micah arrived were very emotion. It is hard to believe Scott and I created this new little man. It is truly amazing. Scott was positively glowing as soon as he found out I was 10 cm. He was as giddy as kid in a candy store. The time we spent together in labor and delivery is priceless and those memories will be with me always.
I have always known Scott would be a great dad, which he is, but he has thoroughly surprised me at how big of a help he has been. We have taken on duties that either one of us handle for a large part for Micah. I feed, he changes diapers. I pump, he stores. I bath and dress, he buckles in the car seat. Parenting is easy, yet hard (kind of like labor). I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
We have tried to document our pregnancy with pictures by Kim Kelley Photography. Here are some of my favorites, along with a couple of Micah.

LOVE the pics! i really adore the one of you in white. you are so beautiful!