We were scheduled to be induced on April 28th and were suppose to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. The night before Scott called and woke me up. The storms that came through April 27th had knocked the lights out at the hospital so they informed him (after someone told him he might want to call) that they would have to reschedule. When he called and told me that I told him that we would just see what happened on our own because I wasn't interested in rescheduling since we were only being induced due to fear of not making it to the hospital in time to have a delivery in a stable, secure environment. The next morning right before I was going to get up to go to work (5:30), I received a call from the hospital saying the electricity had come back on and to come on in if we wanted to. They wanted us there by 6:30 or 6:45 but that wasn't going to happen because Scott had worked the night before. I had to call him and get him to have someone come in early to cover the rest of his shift. We also called our moms to let them know the update of what was going on.
We arrived at the hospital around 7:10 or so. After signing in we were taken straight back to our labor and delivery room. We were fortunate enough to get one of the bigger rooms. My mom was only a few minutes behind us getting there, as were Scott's mom and mamaw. They prepped me for labor and delivery and I was free to move around with Scott having to unhook and hook me back up to the monitors for each trip I made away from the bed.
I honestly don't remember times and/or didn't pay attention to times so I can't say for sure what time anything happened. I do know we were there for an hour or more before the pitocin was started to get contractions going. I was 3 cm prior to pitocin being started. The next time they checked me I was at 4 cms. Contractions were about 3 minutes or less apart from the beginning but they were not that bad. Some of them I wasn't actually feeling and the ones I did feel were no worse than what I had been experiencing at home. At 4 cms Dr. Whittle came in to break my water. He warned me that contractions would be more intense once he broke my water and that they would give me the epidural at any time I wanted it. I reminded him that I was going to try to do it without the epidural.
He was not kidding about contractions becoming more intense after he broke my water. No sooner than he had gone out the door the contractions kicked in hard. They were so intense that I would feel sick to my stomach with each one. I was still reluctant to take the epidural so Scott and I discussed what our best option would be. I didn't want anything but also didn't want to be getting sick while in labor. Without knowing how long labor would last we decided to go with the epidural. I won't lie, I was second guessing myself the whole time. Even now, I wonder if I did the best thing.
Once I received the epidural Micah's heart rate began to fall. We were assured that it was okay since the heart rate was coming back to a normal range quickly. I was checked shortly after receiving the epidural (the time between breaking my water and being checked again seemed very short) and had gone to 7 cms. Regina, our nurse, said that was why Micah's heart rate was dropping. He was moving down into the birth canal. Who knew it would go that quickly? I probably could have made it without the epidural after all.
It wasn't long before I was at 10 cms and Micah's head was visible. Regina had me bare down so that Scott could see the tip of Micah's head. He got so excited! He was very cute. I'll spare all the details but every time Regina would tell him to do something I would have to tell him that she was talking to him. I think seeing his son's head was the coolest thing he had ever experienced (up until the delivery and getting to hold him). I stayed at 10 cms for awhile before it was time to push. The doctors and nursing staff like to have gravity do most of the work instead of wearing the mother down from pushing. I only pushed a few times. I would push three times at one time and I think I did that three, maybe four times. It all went really quick and easy. I only had the one dose for the epidural so I could feel the contractions (although not as intense), could somewhat feel if I was pushing effectively, but only felt pressure with Micah pushing down. Scott was so excited when the head was out and excitedly let me know he had a head full of hair. It was hard not knowing how much more pushing I had or how far down Micah was. Although I had no interest in seeing everything it would have been nice to have the mirror (that I opted not to use) just to know my progress.
Once Micah was delivered Dr. Whittle said he thought we made the right decision to induce. As soon as he was delivered Scott cut the cord, we got a quick picture, and they took him to the table to clean him up. On the way to the table is when he let out a cry. As soon as he was under the warmer he stopped crying. Before they got him cleaned and id bands on he peed twice. I don't think he hit anyone though. He still has a very active bladder! He was then given to me for nursing and bonding. We were left with him for just over an hour. By the time they got him I had full use of my legs back and was ready to go to my postpartum room. I had been told the room we were getting was the biggest. It is funny because the labor/delivery room and postpartum room we got were the exact ones Scott's sister had when she delivered Maddie. Anyway, it was two hours before they got me ready and took me to my room. I wanted to go to the nursery window and look at my baby so bad. But I felt really sick to my stomach with a trip to the restroom once I was in my room so I figured I better wait for them to bring him to me. The good thing about taking so long to get into the postpartum room was that it wasn't a long wait for Micah to come in there after I got settled. Micah roomed in with us. Besides having to be in the nursery for shots, weighing, etc. the only other time he was in the nursery was around 3 or so the morning we were released. He had been up all night and Scott got up so I could get some sleep but poor Micah had a stomach ache and was not a happy camper. We knew we needed some rest so opted to have him go to the nursery for a little bit. After I got a little sleep it was all I could do not to go straight to the nursery to get him. I didn't last long before I went to the nurses station to see if they would bring him back to the room though.
We had lots of visitors while we were in the hospital. It was so nice of everyone to share in Micah's birth with us. We were released to come home April 30th and had many more visitors for weeks after. Our life hasn't been the same. We are very blessed to have a very good natured baby. He is great!
It is amazing how much you can love someone!
Waiting |
More waiting.
Calming down under the heat lamp. |
All calmed down. |
Finally with Mommy. |
aw, he's so sweet. and the graphic picture isn't too bad. i'm so happy for you that you had such a smooth delivery :)