Monday, September 12, 2011

11 Years Gone By

January 2000, at 20 years old, I met a crazy fella who made my world brighter.  He added laughter to every day and made me feel special.  I fell head-over-heels in love with this wonderful, crazy man.  To this day I can't really explain how he swept me off my feet so quickly.  All I know is that it was in God's plans for us to be together.  And how great those plans have turned out to be!

We've gone through a lot together.  Things haven't always be easy or gone our way, but I wouldn't change the life we have for anything.  As we struggled through things, specifically trying to extend our family, we often questioned why things didn't go our way.  One thing is for sure, our struggles have brought us closer together and made our marriage even stronger.  I love Scott more every day.

September 23, 2011, we will celebrate 11 wonderful years of marriage.  It makes it even sweeter that we will celebrate our 11 years of marriage as parents to a wonderful little blessing from God.  We are right where we want to be!