Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Chapter Almost Closed

I am so proud of Scott.  He has almost completed his goal of becoming a paramedic.  He graduated from ICC with honors (.02 away from special honors) May 14, 2010.  National he comes!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Life rarely works out like we expect or want it to.  Yet, it always seems to work out for the best.  You would think that knowing that would make life easier, but it doesn't.  There are so many decisions that I need to start making.  I don't even know where to begin, because there are so many alternatives to each situation.  I wish that someone could tell me, "Mary Ann, do this and it will work out this way."  If only things were that easy.

I've made many decisions in the past that have not worked out the way I expected.  I guess that is what makes it so hard to make the decisions I am faced with now.  I can't keep putting life off, because I am not getting any younger.  Next month I will hit the big 3-0.  I've done a good job of not thinking about it this year until a week or so ago.  Up to that point, the cruise I have been planning with some friends had been my focus for June instead of my looming birthday.  I stopped basing things on my age when I hit 25.  I use to have plans to have certain things accomplished by a certain age, and I would compare my life to my parents' lives at whatever age I was.  When I hit 25 I realized that by doing that I made 25 an awful age to hit.  Since then I haven't focused on things according to age.  Now that I am getting older though, I HAVE to start thinking about some things based on age.  Not necessarily accomplishing something by a certain age, but as I age the likelihood of some things decline.  Oh if only life were easy!

On a "lighter" note.  Scott has lost over 40 lbs on P90X.  He's looking good!