Friday, February 26, 2010

God Knows Whats in My Heart

It is comforting to know that God knows what is in my heart.  As long as He knows, that's all that matters.  It took a minute for me to realize this.  I was honestly ready to just spend my days keeping to myself earlier this week, because people misinterpreted something I said.  By the next day I realized that just isn't something I can do, so I gave up that idea.  Then two wonderful people reminded me that God knows where my heart is.  With that reminder I decided that it doesn't matter what people think.  I'm no longer an emotional wreck.  I also no longer have to bite my tongue to keep the peace, because I honestly don't care if people understand me or not.  What a great feeling!!!

Note: As soon as it was brought to my attention how it was interpreted apologies were extended. I hope they were accepted, but I honestly do not think they were. I've done all I can do in that department.  Now all I can do is move on.

1 comment:

  1. there will always be people who don't understand us or who misconstrue what we say. we just have to deal with it as gracefully and honestly as possible, and like you said, move on.
