I have always loved taking pictures but have never really been too good at it. Really, I've always just been the point and shoot type of girl and took whatever quality pictures I got. Thanks to Pinterest, I am in the very beginning stages of learning how to manipulate the settings on my camera. The manual always seemed to confuse me but by finding and reading blogs about the settings things are beginning to make more sense. I still have a VERY long way to go at become decent at photographing, but yesterday afternoon the three of us were all dressed up so I took advantage of the situation and got some Christmas photos. They need some work but at least they aren't all washed out with a flash and you can actually see the Christmas lights on the tree.
After we finished the family photos I played around and got several shots of Micah. He had a blast playing around but it was so hard to get a decent shot of him. With the settings I was trying to use he was little more than a blur a great deal of the time. But I was able to get some cute shots.
I was even able to get some sleeping shots of Micah under the tree. My favorite is the sepia toned one below.
Ramblings about our day-to-day lives. We're an average American family, living the American dream.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cooler Weather, Happy Times
I am really enjoying this cooler weather we have been having. This past summer was so hot! Now we are in the type of weather that I enjoy. Too bad it won't last long before it is freezing outside! When the air takes on a crispness to it I get a little more pep in my step. Today I feel really exhilarated!
With cooler weather also comes a busy three - four months of holidays and family gatherings. This past weekend I bought Micah's Halloween outfit. It is an adorable monkey outfit. He is going to be the cutest little monkey there is! I don't plan to take him trick-or-treating this year. I will dress him in his costume for the Trunk-or-Treat at the church and to answer the door with us for the little trick-or-treaters we have come to our house. And, of course, I will dress him to get some cute pictures of his first Halloween.
After Halloween we focus on Thanksgiving. This year we are getting together with my side of the family for Thanksgiving (my Dad's family). It has been so many years since we have gotten together with them for Thanksgiving. I honestly don't recall when the last time was. I hope to keep the tradition going after restarting it this year. This year, I have so much to be thankful for.
Then it's on to Christmas! I am really excited about Christmas this year. I know Micah is too small to really enjoy it and that he'll probably be more interested in the paper than anything. I also know that it will be lots of work hauling him around to the different places we have to go. But it will be so much fun! And Scott is off this Christmas (BONUS!) so he can enjoy all of the festivities with us.
Let the celebrating begin!!!
With cooler weather also comes a busy three - four months of holidays and family gatherings. This past weekend I bought Micah's Halloween outfit. It is an adorable monkey outfit. He is going to be the cutest little monkey there is! I don't plan to take him trick-or-treating this year. I will dress him in his costume for the Trunk-or-Treat at the church and to answer the door with us for the little trick-or-treaters we have come to our house. And, of course, I will dress him to get some cute pictures of his first Halloween.
After Halloween we focus on Thanksgiving. This year we are getting together with my side of the family for Thanksgiving (my Dad's family). It has been so many years since we have gotten together with them for Thanksgiving. I honestly don't recall when the last time was. I hope to keep the tradition going after restarting it this year. This year, I have so much to be thankful for.
Then it's on to Christmas! I am really excited about Christmas this year. I know Micah is too small to really enjoy it and that he'll probably be more interested in the paper than anything. I also know that it will be lots of work hauling him around to the different places we have to go. But it will be so much fun! And Scott is off this Christmas (BONUS!) so he can enjoy all of the festivities with us.
Let the celebrating begin!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy 11th Anniversary to Us
Has it really been eleven years? Wow...it seems like only yesterday we were frantically rushing to get married. And I (Mary) really was frantically rushing to the church and stressing because the cake was in the back of the car. It is really hard to rush while trying not to destroy the cake. Oh, the stress! I remember it like it was yesterday. To this day I still blame Scott for me being late and not having everything in place for the cake, along with my dad having to finish his cake. Ha! Yes, I was insane and made all cakes for my wedding.
Anywho...I'm just glad our marriage hasn't been as hectic and stressful as that day. All in all, it was worth every bit of the stress. This anniversary is definitely the best yet. What do we have planned? Nothing of significance. Then what makes it the best, you might ask. It is the best because not only do I get to celebrate eleven wonderful years with the best husband in the world, I get to celebrate eleven wonderful years with the best husband AND sweetest little boy in the world! Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think that would be a possibility. I am blessed beyond measure.
Oh how our little family has changed!
Anywho...I'm just glad our marriage hasn't been as hectic and stressful as that day. All in all, it was worth every bit of the stress. This anniversary is definitely the best yet. What do we have planned? Nothing of significance. Then what makes it the best, you might ask. It is the best because not only do I get to celebrate eleven wonderful years with the best husband in the world, I get to celebrate eleven wonderful years with the best husband AND sweetest little boy in the world! Only in my wildest dreams did I ever think that would be a possibility. I am blessed beyond measure.
Oh how our little family has changed!
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September 23, 2000 |
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July 31, 2011 |
Monday, September 12, 2011
Food for Local Communities
One of my friends from high school days has raised her daughter to have a love for others. She has rooted a true love for others in her daughter's heart and her daughter is running wide open trying to help others. As a fourth grader, Miss. Claudia Cade puts her energy into her "crusade against hunger", collecting food for local food ministries. You can help Miss. Cade in her crusade. Curious how? Follow the link Claudia-Cade-Lee-County's-Miss-Heart-of-America-Queen-of-Hearts, like the page, and you can help Miss. Cade in her journey to end hunger.
News for Ms. Claudia Cade:
News for Ms. Claudia Cade:

11 Years Gone By
January 2000, at 20 years old, I met a crazy fella who made my world brighter. He added laughter to every day and made me feel special. I fell head-over-heels in love with this wonderful, crazy man. To this day I can't really explain how he swept me off my feet so quickly. All I know is that it was in God's plans for us to be together. And how great those plans have turned out to be!
We've gone through a lot together. Things haven't always be easy or gone our way, but I wouldn't change the life we have for anything. As we struggled through things, specifically trying to extend our family, we often questioned why things didn't go our way. One thing is for sure, our struggles have brought us closer together and made our marriage even stronger. I love Scott more every day.
September 23, 2011, we will celebrate 11 wonderful years of marriage. It makes it even sweeter that we will celebrate our 11 years of marriage as parents to a wonderful little blessing from God. We are right where we want to be!
We've gone through a lot together. Things haven't always be easy or gone our way, but I wouldn't change the life we have for anything. As we struggled through things, specifically trying to extend our family, we often questioned why things didn't go our way. One thing is for sure, our struggles have brought us closer together and made our marriage even stronger. I love Scott more every day.
September 23, 2011, we will celebrate 11 wonderful years of marriage. It makes it even sweeter that we will celebrate our 11 years of marriage as parents to a wonderful little blessing from God. We are right where we want to be!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Money Matters
Money, money, money. I've never been obsessed with money but since I have more responsibility than Scott and myself, I have been thinking of ways to do better with our money. We waste so much on nothing. I want to start a savings for Micah and for me and Scott. I want to put money into each every month so I need to create a budget. I think I will do that today. Also, I am going to start couponing. I tried to do my first coupon shopping trip this past weekend. It wasn't very successful though. I had Micah with me. We had been shopping for a while once I finally made it to grocery shopping and he was getting very tired. He fights his sleep during the day so I just bought what I had and left. I had spent a good deal of time printing coupons, searching competitors' ads and creating a shopping list. Guess I will have to get back to that today too. I'm not going to go crazy or be too strict on my budget, but I do need to at least try.
On another note, a spending note, we are about to add on to the house. I am so excited that we will have a little more room but I am even more excited that I will have a personal gym. We are planning to enclose the carport. The majority of it will be the living room, but a small portion will be a room for me. Scott says anything I want it to be so it will be a home gym. I already have several pieces of equipment that will do for now. Since we have moved they have been sitting in pieces in our storage shed. It will be great to get them back together.
On another note, a spending note, we are about to add on to the house. I am so excited that we will have a little more room but I am even more excited that I will have a personal gym. We are planning to enclose the carport. The majority of it will be the living room, but a small portion will be a room for me. Scott says anything I want it to be so it will be a home gym. I already have several pieces of equipment that will do for now. Since we have moved they have been sitting in pieces in our storage shed. It will be great to get them back together.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Things I have learned as a mom
- Pampers work best on Micah. All other diapers will leak more when he poops!
- Huggies wipes are the best!
- Poop from breastfed babies is so loose it can and will get everywhere.
- Days are meant for nursing and changing poopy diapers.
- There is no more sleeping late.
- Micah will sleep or not be hungry until it is time for me to do something. :-)
- Olive oil really does get rid of cradle cap!
- Never say you won't do something because that is the one thing you'll end up doing!
- I love seeing Micah being spoiled by other family members and friends. He is so loved.
- You have to make time for things somewhere between all the nursing and changing.
- Nothing is better than a sweet smile from my little man.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Time moves too fast
Time is moving by way too fast. Next week is my last week with Micah before I return to work. It is wild that he is going to be twelve weeks old next week. Where on earth have the weeks gone? I've really enjoyed being able to stay home with him, and honestly the first seven weeks or so were a must (it took us that long to really get the hang of breastfeeding). I love watching him grow and discover new things. And his development happens so fast. I just know I am going to miss so many things while I am at work. I will be thankful for the time I get to work from home.
What has Micah been up to so far? He is able to hold his head pretty steady on his own. He has discovered his hands and feet...well, began to discover them. He loves mobiles. He will just watch his mobiles forever. He doesn't care if it is the one on his swing, bouncy seat, or the one above his crib. He also loves ceiling fans and lights. He has loved those from the very beginning. He also still loves to kick around, loves to cuddle, and loves his sleep. He has he sweetest smile that could melt anyone's heart. I could just hold him and watch him smile for hours on end.
I admit that I haven't done everything like I should. Even though I know Micah needed tummy time from the very beginning he hasn't gotten it. I put him on his stomach when he was a couple of weeks home and he did not like it at all. Sooooo, I haven't since. This past week I decided it was time to get tummy time (besides laying on my tummy, which has helped him with neck and back strength a little). The first day wasn't a very big success but the second time was much better! I think maybe he was sleepy the first time, but from that experience I think Micah may be up and crawling in no time if we keep up tummy time. The second attempt at tummy time he actually worked on lifting his head like he is suppose to do.
What has Micah been up to so far? He is able to hold his head pretty steady on his own. He has discovered his hands and feet...well, began to discover them. He loves mobiles. He will just watch his mobiles forever. He doesn't care if it is the one on his swing, bouncy seat, or the one above his crib. He also loves ceiling fans and lights. He has loved those from the very beginning. He also still loves to kick around, loves to cuddle, and loves his sleep. He has he sweetest smile that could melt anyone's heart. I could just hold him and watch him smile for hours on end.
I admit that I haven't done everything like I should. Even though I know Micah needed tummy time from the very beginning he hasn't gotten it. I put him on his stomach when he was a couple of weeks home and he did not like it at all. Sooooo, I haven't since. This past week I decided it was time to get tummy time (besides laying on my tummy, which has helped him with neck and back strength a little). The first day wasn't a very big success but the second time was much better! I think maybe he was sleepy the first time, but from that experience I think Micah may be up and crawling in no time if we keep up tummy time. The second attempt at tummy time he actually worked on lifting his head like he is suppose to do.
First attempt at tummy time.
Who needs a paci when you have hands?
Finally fit into some of his shoes! (Only took 10 weeks)
First time in my crib.
One second...I'm not ready.
Bonding with Daddy
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Life with Micah
I had promised several people I would blog about my experience with labor and delivery and have yet to do it. :-) I know some people do not care to read about that part of Micah's life, but for those of you who are...here it is. Warning: there is a picture at the end of this blog of Micah right after he came out. I hadn't intended to share it with anyone and advise you not to view the pictures if it will upset you. But I just love the look on Scott's face. He was so proud!
We were scheduled to be induced on April 28th and were suppose to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. The night before Scott called and woke me up. The storms that came through April 27th had knocked the lights out at the hospital so they informed him (after someone told him he might want to call) that they would have to reschedule. When he called and told me that I told him that we would just see what happened on our own because I wasn't interested in rescheduling since we were only being induced due to fear of not making it to the hospital in time to have a delivery in a stable, secure environment. The next morning right before I was going to get up to go to work (5:30), I received a call from the hospital saying the electricity had come back on and to come on in if we wanted to. They wanted us there by 6:30 or 6:45 but that wasn't going to happen because Scott had worked the night before. I had to call him and get him to have someone come in early to cover the rest of his shift. We also called our moms to let them know the update of what was going on.
We arrived at the hospital around 7:10 or so. After signing in we were taken straight back to our labor and delivery room. We were fortunate enough to get one of the bigger rooms. My mom was only a few minutes behind us getting there, as were Scott's mom and mamaw. They prepped me for labor and delivery and I was free to move around with Scott having to unhook and hook me back up to the monitors for each trip I made away from the bed.
I honestly don't remember times and/or didn't pay attention to times so I can't say for sure what time anything happened. I do know we were there for an hour or more before the pitocin was started to get contractions going. I was 3 cm prior to pitocin being started. The next time they checked me I was at 4 cms. Contractions were about 3 minutes or less apart from the beginning but they were not that bad. Some of them I wasn't actually feeling and the ones I did feel were no worse than what I had been experiencing at home. At 4 cms Dr. Whittle came in to break my water. He warned me that contractions would be more intense once he broke my water and that they would give me the epidural at any time I wanted it. I reminded him that I was going to try to do it without the epidural.
He was not kidding about contractions becoming more intense after he broke my water. No sooner than he had gone out the door the contractions kicked in hard. They were so intense that I would feel sick to my stomach with each one. I was still reluctant to take the epidural so Scott and I discussed what our best option would be. I didn't want anything but also didn't want to be getting sick while in labor. Without knowing how long labor would last we decided to go with the epidural. I won't lie, I was second guessing myself the whole time. Even now, I wonder if I did the best thing.
Once I received the epidural Micah's heart rate began to fall. We were assured that it was okay since the heart rate was coming back to a normal range quickly. I was checked shortly after receiving the epidural (the time between breaking my water and being checked again seemed very short) and had gone to 7 cms. Regina, our nurse, said that was why Micah's heart rate was dropping. He was moving down into the birth canal. Who knew it would go that quickly? I probably could have made it without the epidural after all.
It wasn't long before I was at 10 cms and Micah's head was visible. Regina had me bare down so that Scott could see the tip of Micah's head. He got so excited! He was very cute. I'll spare all the details but every time Regina would tell him to do something I would have to tell him that she was talking to him. I think seeing his son's head was the coolest thing he had ever experienced (up until the delivery and getting to hold him). I stayed at 10 cms for awhile before it was time to push. The doctors and nursing staff like to have gravity do most of the work instead of wearing the mother down from pushing. I only pushed a few times. I would push three times at one time and I think I did that three, maybe four times. It all went really quick and easy. I only had the one dose for the epidural so I could feel the contractions (although not as intense), could somewhat feel if I was pushing effectively, but only felt pressure with Micah pushing down. Scott was so excited when the head was out and excitedly let me know he had a head full of hair. It was hard not knowing how much more pushing I had or how far down Micah was. Although I had no interest in seeing everything it would have been nice to have the mirror (that I opted not to use) just to know my progress.
Once Micah was delivered Dr. Whittle said he thought we made the right decision to induce. As soon as he was delivered Scott cut the cord, we got a quick picture, and they took him to the table to clean him up. On the way to the table is when he let out a cry. As soon as he was under the warmer he stopped crying. Before they got him cleaned and id bands on he peed twice. I don't think he hit anyone though. He still has a very active bladder! He was then given to me for nursing and bonding. We were left with him for just over an hour. By the time they got him I had full use of my legs back and was ready to go to my postpartum room. I had been told the room we were getting was the biggest. It is funny because the labor/delivery room and postpartum room we got were the exact ones Scott's sister had when she delivered Maddie. Anyway, it was two hours before they got me ready and took me to my room. I wanted to go to the nursery window and look at my baby so bad. But I felt really sick to my stomach with a trip to the restroom once I was in my room so I figured I better wait for them to bring him to me. The good thing about taking so long to get into the postpartum room was that it wasn't a long wait for Micah to come in there after I got settled. Micah roomed in with us. Besides having to be in the nursery for shots, weighing, etc. the only other time he was in the nursery was around 3 or so the morning we were released. He had been up all night and Scott got up so I could get some sleep but poor Micah had a stomach ache and was not a happy camper. We knew we needed some rest so opted to have him go to the nursery for a little bit. After I got a little sleep it was all I could do not to go straight to the nursery to get him. I didn't last long before I went to the nurses station to see if they would bring him back to the room though.
We had lots of visitors while we were in the hospital. It was so nice of everyone to share in Micah's birth with us. We were released to come home April 30th and had many more visitors for weeks after. Our life hasn't been the same. We are very blessed to have a very good natured baby. He is great!
It is amazing how much you can love someone!
We were scheduled to be induced on April 28th and were suppose to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. The night before Scott called and woke me up. The storms that came through April 27th had knocked the lights out at the hospital so they informed him (after someone told him he might want to call) that they would have to reschedule. When he called and told me that I told him that we would just see what happened on our own because I wasn't interested in rescheduling since we were only being induced due to fear of not making it to the hospital in time to have a delivery in a stable, secure environment. The next morning right before I was going to get up to go to work (5:30), I received a call from the hospital saying the electricity had come back on and to come on in if we wanted to. They wanted us there by 6:30 or 6:45 but that wasn't going to happen because Scott had worked the night before. I had to call him and get him to have someone come in early to cover the rest of his shift. We also called our moms to let them know the update of what was going on.
We arrived at the hospital around 7:10 or so. After signing in we were taken straight back to our labor and delivery room. We were fortunate enough to get one of the bigger rooms. My mom was only a few minutes behind us getting there, as were Scott's mom and mamaw. They prepped me for labor and delivery and I was free to move around with Scott having to unhook and hook me back up to the monitors for each trip I made away from the bed.
I honestly don't remember times and/or didn't pay attention to times so I can't say for sure what time anything happened. I do know we were there for an hour or more before the pitocin was started to get contractions going. I was 3 cm prior to pitocin being started. The next time they checked me I was at 4 cms. Contractions were about 3 minutes or less apart from the beginning but they were not that bad. Some of them I wasn't actually feeling and the ones I did feel were no worse than what I had been experiencing at home. At 4 cms Dr. Whittle came in to break my water. He warned me that contractions would be more intense once he broke my water and that they would give me the epidural at any time I wanted it. I reminded him that I was going to try to do it without the epidural.
He was not kidding about contractions becoming more intense after he broke my water. No sooner than he had gone out the door the contractions kicked in hard. They were so intense that I would feel sick to my stomach with each one. I was still reluctant to take the epidural so Scott and I discussed what our best option would be. I didn't want anything but also didn't want to be getting sick while in labor. Without knowing how long labor would last we decided to go with the epidural. I won't lie, I was second guessing myself the whole time. Even now, I wonder if I did the best thing.
Once I received the epidural Micah's heart rate began to fall. We were assured that it was okay since the heart rate was coming back to a normal range quickly. I was checked shortly after receiving the epidural (the time between breaking my water and being checked again seemed very short) and had gone to 7 cms. Regina, our nurse, said that was why Micah's heart rate was dropping. He was moving down into the birth canal. Who knew it would go that quickly? I probably could have made it without the epidural after all.
It wasn't long before I was at 10 cms and Micah's head was visible. Regina had me bare down so that Scott could see the tip of Micah's head. He got so excited! He was very cute. I'll spare all the details but every time Regina would tell him to do something I would have to tell him that she was talking to him. I think seeing his son's head was the coolest thing he had ever experienced (up until the delivery and getting to hold him). I stayed at 10 cms for awhile before it was time to push. The doctors and nursing staff like to have gravity do most of the work instead of wearing the mother down from pushing. I only pushed a few times. I would push three times at one time and I think I did that three, maybe four times. It all went really quick and easy. I only had the one dose for the epidural so I could feel the contractions (although not as intense), could somewhat feel if I was pushing effectively, but only felt pressure with Micah pushing down. Scott was so excited when the head was out and excitedly let me know he had a head full of hair. It was hard not knowing how much more pushing I had or how far down Micah was. Although I had no interest in seeing everything it would have been nice to have the mirror (that I opted not to use) just to know my progress.
Once Micah was delivered Dr. Whittle said he thought we made the right decision to induce. As soon as he was delivered Scott cut the cord, we got a quick picture, and they took him to the table to clean him up. On the way to the table is when he let out a cry. As soon as he was under the warmer he stopped crying. Before they got him cleaned and id bands on he peed twice. I don't think he hit anyone though. He still has a very active bladder! He was then given to me for nursing and bonding. We were left with him for just over an hour. By the time they got him I had full use of my legs back and was ready to go to my postpartum room. I had been told the room we were getting was the biggest. It is funny because the labor/delivery room and postpartum room we got were the exact ones Scott's sister had when she delivered Maddie. Anyway, it was two hours before they got me ready and took me to my room. I wanted to go to the nursery window and look at my baby so bad. But I felt really sick to my stomach with a trip to the restroom once I was in my room so I figured I better wait for them to bring him to me. The good thing about taking so long to get into the postpartum room was that it wasn't a long wait for Micah to come in there after I got settled. Micah roomed in with us. Besides having to be in the nursery for shots, weighing, etc. the only other time he was in the nursery was around 3 or so the morning we were released. He had been up all night and Scott got up so I could get some sleep but poor Micah had a stomach ache and was not a happy camper. We knew we needed some rest so opted to have him go to the nursery for a little bit. After I got a little sleep it was all I could do not to go straight to the nursery to get him. I didn't last long before I went to the nurses station to see if they would bring him back to the room though.
We had lots of visitors while we were in the hospital. It was so nice of everyone to share in Micah's birth with us. We were released to come home April 30th and had many more visitors for weeks after. Our life hasn't been the same. We are very blessed to have a very good natured baby. He is great!
It is amazing how much you can love someone!
Waiting |
More waiting.
Calming down under the heat lamp. |
All calmed down. |
Finally with Mommy. |
Getting back in shape
I have decided it is time to get off of my backside and get back in shape/healthy. I want to do that without taking away from Micah. Any advice on how to do that? It will be easy until I go back to work. Then I will have limited time with my little man. Working out in the mornings will be out because he is usually up for a meal at 5:30 and I have to get ready for work. But working out at night would take time away from him for sure since it will be 5:30 when I get home. Should I join the gym with Scott and make early morning or evenings work somehow? Join Sanderson and workout at lunch, fighting for time on a machine? Or try to motivate myself at home early morning or late night?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Mother's Day
I celebrated my first Mother's Day this year. I woke up and Scott surprised me with a gift from him and Micah. They gave me a Pandora bracelet with #1 Mom on it. They also have Micah's birthstone (a diamond) ordered for it. I wish I could get a clear picture to post but can't get my camera to focus right. Scott also cooked breakfast while I fed Micah. Scott has actually cooked breakfast for me several times since Micah has come home.
Even though Micah was only a week old, we decided that it would be okay for us to take him to church since the crowd was small (lots of people were attending memorials). What better time to have Micah make his debut at church than on Mother's Day? Bro. Don had Scott introduce Micah to the church. As part of children's church Bro. Don honored the moms in the church. It was satisfying, but strange, to be recognized among the moms. I got a beautiful red rose from the church. I couldn't have asked for a better first Mother's Day or a more perfect little boy to be a mommy too.
Even though Micah was only a week old, we decided that it would be okay for us to take him to church since the crowd was small (lots of people were attending memorials). What better time to have Micah make his debut at church than on Mother's Day? Bro. Don had Scott introduce Micah to the church. As part of children's church Bro. Don honored the moms in the church. It was satisfying, but strange, to be recognized among the moms. I got a beautiful red rose from the church. I couldn't have asked for a better first Mother's Day or a more perfect little boy to be a mommy too.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Micah is two weeks old today. Even though he is still new it already seems like he has been part of the family forever. Everyone has enjoyed helping to spoil him and I am so in love. He is the sweetest little boy in the world and is a great baby. Rarely does he cry or fuss. We have been very blessed. We had a great pregnancy without complication, had a quick, event free labor and delivery, and have a well behaved, happy baby.
Labor and delivery really wasn't bad, although I did end up opting for an epidural after the doctor broke my water. I regret it a little but am glad that it had started to wear off by the time it was time to push so that I could actually halfway tell if I was pushing effectively. I had lots of great support during labor. Both of our moms, Nanny and Kristi were there to give us support. Scott, Dr. Whittle and Regina (our nurse) were all great support during delivery. I couldn't have done as well as I did without them.
Seeing Micah for the first time and seeing the smile on Scott's face during delivery and once Micah arrived were very emotion. It is hard to believe Scott and I created this new little man. It is truly amazing. Scott was positively glowing as soon as he found out I was 10 cm. He was as giddy as kid in a candy store. The time we spent together in labor and delivery is priceless and those memories will be with me always.
I have always known Scott would be a great dad, which he is, but he has thoroughly surprised me at how big of a help he has been. We have taken on duties that either one of us handle for a large part for Micah. I feed, he changes diapers. I pump, he stores. I bath and dress, he buckles in the car seat. Parenting is easy, yet hard (kind of like labor). I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
We have tried to document our pregnancy with pictures by Kim Kelley Photography. Here are some of my favorites, along with a couple of Micah.

Labor and delivery really wasn't bad, although I did end up opting for an epidural after the doctor broke my water. I regret it a little but am glad that it had started to wear off by the time it was time to push so that I could actually halfway tell if I was pushing effectively. I had lots of great support during labor. Both of our moms, Nanny and Kristi were there to give us support. Scott, Dr. Whittle and Regina (our nurse) were all great support during delivery. I couldn't have done as well as I did without them.
Seeing Micah for the first time and seeing the smile on Scott's face during delivery and once Micah arrived were very emotion. It is hard to believe Scott and I created this new little man. It is truly amazing. Scott was positively glowing as soon as he found out I was 10 cm. He was as giddy as kid in a candy store. The time we spent together in labor and delivery is priceless and those memories will be with me always.
I have always known Scott would be a great dad, which he is, but he has thoroughly surprised me at how big of a help he has been. We have taken on duties that either one of us handle for a large part for Micah. I feed, he changes diapers. I pump, he stores. I bath and dress, he buckles in the car seat. Parenting is easy, yet hard (kind of like labor). I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
We have tried to document our pregnancy with pictures by Kim Kelley Photography. Here are some of my favorites, along with a couple of Micah.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Blessings keep pouring down
With all of the blessings being handed down how can anyone not believe in God?
Timothy and Anna found out that they are expecting again. Gracie is so excited that she is going to be a big sister. Right now they aren't sure when the due date will be because they haven't been to the doctor yet. I'm excited that Micah is going to have a little cousin. Timothy and Anna will be happy with either. They just want a healthy baby. Gracie wants a little sister if she has to choose, although she told me they might have two. In that case she wants one of each. There is really no reason to think they are going to have twins...just wishful thinking on her part. I will be thrilled with a new niece or nephew, but secretly hope there is another little boy to throw in the mix. Well, guess it isn't so secretly. lol It's amazing how excited I still get over nieces and nephews with 20 something of them. Keep 'em coming y'all!!!
Today was match day for Jennifer. She matched with UMC for general surgery so they won't be moving away. I was hoping that they would get to stay, and I'm thrilled they are going to. I'm not sure how busy she will be with her residency, but hopefully she will have some time to visit and help spoil Micah. :-)
Other blessings are happening too. We sold our mobile home so we got to cancel our insurance on it. Woohoo! It was moved to the new owner's land today. I know it will look strange when we visit Scott's family. It was strange enough when they took our old mailbox down. I still haven't gotten use to it not being there. We paid off our car (already posted about that) and Micah should be here in around 7 weeks. Things are going great!
Timothy and Anna found out that they are expecting again. Gracie is so excited that she is going to be a big sister. Right now they aren't sure when the due date will be because they haven't been to the doctor yet. I'm excited that Micah is going to have a little cousin. Timothy and Anna will be happy with either. They just want a healthy baby. Gracie wants a little sister if she has to choose, although she told me they might have two. In that case she wants one of each. There is really no reason to think they are going to have twins...just wishful thinking on her part. I will be thrilled with a new niece or nephew, but secretly hope there is another little boy to throw in the mix. Well, guess it isn't so secretly. lol It's amazing how excited I still get over nieces and nephews with 20 something of them. Keep 'em coming y'all!!!
Today was match day for Jennifer. She matched with UMC for general surgery so they won't be moving away. I was hoping that they would get to stay, and I'm thrilled they are going to. I'm not sure how busy she will be with her residency, but hopefully she will have some time to visit and help spoil Micah. :-)
Other blessings are happening too. We sold our mobile home so we got to cancel our insurance on it. Woohoo! It was moved to the new owner's land today. I know it will look strange when we visit Scott's family. It was strange enough when they took our old mailbox down. I still haven't gotten use to it not being there. We paid off our car (already posted about that) and Micah should be here in around 7 weeks. Things are going great!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
New class and equipment
A new exercise class has been started at the church on Tuesday nights. I went last night and really enjoyed it. I had to modify a few of the exercises and couldn't participate in the ab portion but still got a good workout. I can't wait until I can hit it full force! There was a great turn out for the class and I think everyone really enjoyed it. Scott also got my exercise equipment moved over to the new house. He had no choice since we sold the mobile home (hallelujah!). It's still in pieces but at least it is over here now. Now to just get it put together and get electricity to it! Maybe by the time I get to the point I can really exercise it will be ready for me!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sometimes we let life move too fast
Sometimes we let life move by too fast. We need to stop and take time to enjoy our family and friends. Let those you love know how much they mean to you and show a true interest in their lives. I know I am guilty of getting so caught up and busy that I forget to ask about my family and friends. I hope each of you know how much I love y'all. One of my resolutions was geared towards this. Although I have slowed down, I still have room for improvement. Family and friends are important. We need to remember that.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Birthing classes
Scott and I started attending birthing classes February 17th. What have we learned?
Class 1: Mumbo jumbo about pregnancy that we already knew. We also were told what we would be covering in each class. Biggest shock: Trust me, you don't want to know.
Class 2: We watched a labor and delivery video that outlined 5 birth stories. Seemed like the video took forever and wasn't all that interesting to me. Nothing Scott and I hadn't seen before but apparently we were the only ones. I think a couple of the group were rethinking this whole baby thing. Too late! We then took a tour of the Women's Pavilion. It was nice to see where we needed to go and be walked through the process we would encounter. We covered where we would go given a routine delivery and a c-section. When we returned to the classroom we were told what equipment is available to us for use during labor...tub, birthing ball, etc. After delivery Scott and I will have an hour alone with Micah where we will work on feeding and spend time bonding. (They say newborns are most alert right after delivery). After that hour Scott will strut to the nursery with Micah where he will be weighed, measured, etc. Biggest shock: Micah will have to stay in the nursery for 3 hours for monitoring!
Class 3: We went over the epidural and iv drugs available and the process for giving them. We we also told what to expect as far as recovery time in the labor and delivery room. Not looking forward to them pushing around on a uterus that I am sure will be sore from delivery but understand they have to. We also went back to the rooms. Class 2 all of the postpartum rooms were full so this was the first time for us to tour one of them. Funny, the one we toured isn't as nice as I remember them being when my niece was born. Then we went back to the labor and delivery room again to see how the bed breaks down and learn more about the incubator. We all agreed the bed looked like a medieval torture device. Who knew they broke down like they do! Also got more details on what happens to Micah during his 3 hour nursery stay and that there is wireless access in some parts of the hospital. While Micah is in the room, which I plan for him to room-in, there can be no children present and only three people (including Scott) can be in the room with us while he is there. If he isn't there we can have the room packed out if we want. I know some little girls who will be very disappointed they won't get to see him. Guess they will have to settle for seeing him through the nursery room window until he gets home!
Class 4: Our final class focused on breastfeeding. I've done so much research on this that I knew most of what they discussed. Biggest shock: Okay, so no real shocks this class. But I did find out that if you take decongestants for allergies it will also dry up your milk supply some. Guess I will be suffering through my allergies/sinuses this summer!
We had a really good class with some great people. I hope to stay in touch with them all through facebook and maybe out children can even have some play dates in the future. I'm really glad that we decided to do birthing classes. I feel much better about things and definitely feel more comfortable with what will happen at the hospital once we arrive.
Class 1: Mumbo jumbo about pregnancy that we already knew. We also were told what we would be covering in each class. Biggest shock: Trust me, you don't want to know.
Class 2: We watched a labor and delivery video that outlined 5 birth stories. Seemed like the video took forever and wasn't all that interesting to me. Nothing Scott and I hadn't seen before but apparently we were the only ones. I think a couple of the group were rethinking this whole baby thing. Too late! We then took a tour of the Women's Pavilion. It was nice to see where we needed to go and be walked through the process we would encounter. We covered where we would go given a routine delivery and a c-section. When we returned to the classroom we were told what equipment is available to us for use during labor...tub, birthing ball, etc. After delivery Scott and I will have an hour alone with Micah where we will work on feeding and spend time bonding. (They say newborns are most alert right after delivery). After that hour Scott will strut to the nursery with Micah where he will be weighed, measured, etc. Biggest shock: Micah will have to stay in the nursery for 3 hours for monitoring!
Class 3: We went over the epidural and iv drugs available and the process for giving them. We we also told what to expect as far as recovery time in the labor and delivery room. Not looking forward to them pushing around on a uterus that I am sure will be sore from delivery but understand they have to. We also went back to the rooms. Class 2 all of the postpartum rooms were full so this was the first time for us to tour one of them. Funny, the one we toured isn't as nice as I remember them being when my niece was born. Then we went back to the labor and delivery room again to see how the bed breaks down and learn more about the incubator. We all agreed the bed looked like a medieval torture device. Who knew they broke down like they do! Also got more details on what happens to Micah during his 3 hour nursery stay and that there is wireless access in some parts of the hospital. While Micah is in the room, which I plan for him to room-in, there can be no children present and only three people (including Scott) can be in the room with us while he is there. If he isn't there we can have the room packed out if we want. I know some little girls who will be very disappointed they won't get to see him. Guess they will have to settle for seeing him through the nursery room window until he gets home!
Class 4: Our final class focused on breastfeeding. I've done so much research on this that I knew most of what they discussed. Biggest shock: Okay, so no real shocks this class. But I did find out that if you take decongestants for allergies it will also dry up your milk supply some. Guess I will be suffering through my allergies/sinuses this summer!
We had a really good class with some great people. I hope to stay in touch with them all through facebook and maybe out children can even have some play dates in the future. I'm really glad that we decided to do birthing classes. I feel much better about things and definitely feel more comfortable with what will happen at the hospital once we arrive.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Final ultrasound
Yesterday we had our final ultrasound. This was the first with the ultrasound technician. She did a really good job but we left without any indication of where Micah is on weight. Dr. Whittle stopped in to check on us and see how everything was going before heading up to the hospital (we were suppose to meet with him afterward). While he was there, he did tell us that Micah is in the 51 percentile, which is good. I might add, that is around where he always is and he has always measured slightly bigger than what all of the emails I get say he should be at. At 32 weeks (where we will be tomorrow) the emails are saying he should weigh around four pounds.
Finally got to see Micha's face. Although, it isn't very clear due to the way he was laying (too close to placenta) I can see that he looks like his daddy. He was sleeping and so sweet. He kept smiling and sticking out his tongue.
I got great news about sticking my finger yesterday too. Dr. Whittle asked how my sugar levels were looking and was pleased enough that I had proved I could diet control my gestational diabetes. Now I only have to check my sugar levels first thing in the morning and two hours after supper. Yay! I'm so glad Scott reminded him I was checking continuously!
There really isn't much more to tell. I didn't have my blood pressure, weight or anything done. I think him being called out to the hospital made everyone forget they didn't do that. Oh well. I am confident my weight is on track and that my blood pressure is still good. :-)
Finally got to see Micha's face. Although, it isn't very clear due to the way he was laying (too close to placenta) I can see that he looks like his daddy. He was sleeping and so sweet. He kept smiling and sticking out his tongue.
I got great news about sticking my finger yesterday too. Dr. Whittle asked how my sugar levels were looking and was pleased enough that I had proved I could diet control my gestational diabetes. Now I only have to check my sugar levels first thing in the morning and two hours after supper. Yay! I'm so glad Scott reminded him I was checking continuously!
There really isn't much more to tell. I didn't have my blood pressure, weight or anything done. I think him being called out to the hospital made everyone forget they didn't do that. Oh well. I am confident my weight is on track and that my blood pressure is still good. :-)
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Sleeping peacefully. |
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Kissy face. |
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Sticking out his tongue/licking lips. |
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Baby Shower
Family and friends are invited to a baby shower that Tomnolen Baptist Church is hosting in honor of our miracle, Micah Aiden, on March 27th. To view the invitation and add your name to the guest list CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The belly is getting heavy!
I absolutely LOVE being pregnant. But the belly is starting to get really heavy! From the very beginning Micah has loved to hang out as low as he can go. The bigger he gets, the more uncomfortable that gets. I'm just hoping with him being low I'll have a quick delivery! I don't think it'd be as bad if he would get into position, ready for delivery. But that would be too easy so he constantly flips back and forth. One day he might be head down, the next sideways, or even butt down. You never know with my little man. He is definitely one active little fella. Supposedly at this stage in my pregnancy he should be sleeping more and I should be feeling him move less. Not so with Micah. Of course, I have never been in the majority, so why should Micah be any different? I can't even blame his hyperness on sugar any more since all of the sweets have been cut out. It is so funny to watch my stomach change shapes on a daily basis. Some days I look absolutely huge, while others I don't. It all depends on how he lays. Okay, so maybe I always look big. But some days I look bigger than usual. It is hard to believe I have gained 14 inches in my waist (last I measured) and so funny to look at pictures from before when I've gotten use to Micah being with me. Check out how flat my stomach use to be!
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June 2010 - before conception |
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February 2011 - 29+ weeks in |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Google security
Apparently someone hijacked my Google account somehow. When I got up this morning my email had been disabled due to suspicious activity. I tried to follow the steps to reactivate my account with little luck. The only option I had left was to complete an electronic form and submit it to Google support. I was hoping and praying that my account could be enabled again because that account is used for my email and two blogs. Let me tell you, that form asked all kinds of questions about my Google account that even I wasn't sure about the answers for some. I just answered as closely as I could and prayed they had enough from me to reactivate the account. I am so very thankful for their security measures! My account has been restored, I changed my password, and we are back in business!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Working towards freedom
I am so excited that when my car payment was withdrawn from my bank account today it was the last one! I had intentions of paying my car off early but I never could seem to pay extra on it. There was always something else to put our "extra" money on. Well, five years have come and gone since purchasing my car so it is officially paid off. Hallelujah! It will be nice not to have that payment hanging over my head.
So what do I plan to do with the extra money we'll be saving each month? I have made arrangements to pay extra towards the principal on Scott's truck every month. I know if I didn't make arrangements that extra money would vanish into thin air anyway and we'd be left wondering where in the world it went. If I've figured things correctly, we should have Scott's truck paid off within six months or so. Once that is paid off we will have the house left to pay off. If all goes well, I will take the money that had been going towards the truck and apply it towards the house as a principal only payment.
Even though I still won't be seeing that extra money every month, I will be seeing the debt on Scott's truck quickly going down. Oh to be debt free!
So what do I plan to do with the extra money we'll be saving each month? I have made arrangements to pay extra towards the principal on Scott's truck every month. I know if I didn't make arrangements that extra money would vanish into thin air anyway and we'd be left wondering where in the world it went. If I've figured things correctly, we should have Scott's truck paid off within six months or so. Once that is paid off we will have the house left to pay off. If all goes well, I will take the money that had been going towards the truck and apply it towards the house as a principal only payment.
Even though I still won't be seeing that extra money every month, I will be seeing the debt on Scott's truck quickly going down. Oh to be debt free!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Summer vacation
I am soooo ready for a vacation. I would love to go somewhere just to get away from the routine of day-to-day living. Nothing extravagant...just somewhere different. I would settle for a nice camping trip on the river. I think I'm just longing for summer.
We had big plans for this summer. We were going to travel to Jamaica with several friends and stay at an all-inclusive resort. We would have nothing to worry about but relaxing and kicking up our heels. Obviously, God had bigger plans than we ever dreamed possible so Jamaica is not in the picture for this summer. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
I can't wait to spend my summer with Scott and Micah. I am really looking forward to getting to know our little man. I plan to spoil him rotten on love. For 12 weeks I will be with him every day. I'm not sure yet how much times Scott plans to take off from work, but even if he doesn't take off he'll be with us more than not. It will be nice to have most of the summer at home. I haven't experienced that in 10 years. I know Micah will require a lot of attention but I am hoping we can still spend time doing things like hiking Little Mountain and camping. The past few years we haven't been able to do much camping between Scott and my schedules. Even with Micah in-tow life should be much slower paced than it has been. It will just be a totally different pace.
When I have to pry myself away from Micah and back to work at the end of the summer, Scott will keep Micah on his off days and I will keep him the other days. I have some wonderful bosses who have agreed to let me work from home on those days. I am already dreading having to leave him but love the fact that he and Scott will get to spend so much time together, just the two of them.
We had big plans for this summer. We were going to travel to Jamaica with several friends and stay at an all-inclusive resort. We would have nothing to worry about but relaxing and kicking up our heels. Obviously, God had bigger plans than we ever dreamed possible so Jamaica is not in the picture for this summer. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
I can't wait to spend my summer with Scott and Micah. I am really looking forward to getting to know our little man. I plan to spoil him rotten on love. For 12 weeks I will be with him every day. I'm not sure yet how much times Scott plans to take off from work, but even if he doesn't take off he'll be with us more than not. It will be nice to have most of the summer at home. I haven't experienced that in 10 years. I know Micah will require a lot of attention but I am hoping we can still spend time doing things like hiking Little Mountain and camping. The past few years we haven't been able to do much camping between Scott and my schedules. Even with Micah in-tow life should be much slower paced than it has been. It will just be a totally different pace.
When I have to pry myself away from Micah and back to work at the end of the summer, Scott will keep Micah on his off days and I will keep him the other days. I have some wonderful bosses who have agreed to let me work from home on those days. I am already dreading having to leave him but love the fact that he and Scott will get to spend so much time together, just the two of them.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gardens and Flower Beds
This milder weather we have been having has really gotten me in the mood to get some flowerbeds going in the yard. For years I have put off doing too much with the yard because we had plans to either build or buy and I didn't want to put too much effort into it. Now that we are settled and I know we won't be having any more major adjustments that will affect the landscape any time soon I plan to make my yard pretty. I know the areas I want to start with. Now I just have to figure out the flowers and color schemes I want to go with (and get Scott to get the ground ready). My main focus will be in front of the house. I think I will be safe doing in front of the porch and along the walkway. I want to make a huge flowerbed between the walkway and the house. For now, I'll just stick with going along the walkway since Scott plans to close the carport in his summer. I would also like to have a vegetable garden, have flowers around our portable building, put some climbing plants along our camper shed, and have a few flowers towards the road. I will do a little at a time. Maybe I can get a good bit done this summer during Micah's naps if I'm not too exhausted. Or if I'm lucky, maybe Scott will help me get a good bit done this Spring. We've got 10 weeks, give or take a little, before he arrives to get started.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Beautiful Days
Yesterday was such a beautiful day. I took off work to spend some much needed time with Scott and so that I could better track and measure my food to see what I needed to take with me each day. I am so glad yesterday was the day I did that, because the weather was absolutely gorgeous. After spending the morning at home together we decided to load up and take the four wheeler out to check for some good rabbit hunting spots for Scott. It was wonderful just riding together in the nice warm sun taking in nature. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. To me, the sights and sounds of nature are the best. We were relaxing, enjoying our ride when we heard some frogs croaking. We stopped for a bit to take in their sounds, then continued on our way. We had a little adventure with a creek ditch and lots of pushing/pulling (Scott, not me) and shoving sticks under tires for traction before we were finally on our way again. While Scott was struggling with the four wheeler I enjoyed my mandatory snack so we got stuck at a very opportune time. I did feel bad not being able to do any more to help than I could. I was basically left with the job of pushing the gas. Had I not been pregnant I would have been pushing and pulling just as much as Scott was. Getting stuck is a regular occurrence for us when we ride. We get stuck in the mud...stuck on my leg...stuck on stumps...stuck in the ditch. Hmmm, that might make for a good Dr. Seuss style nursery rhyme for Micah about Mom and Dad's adventures.
After we got unstuck we enjoyed a little more riding before loading up and heading back home. All in all, it was a great day. And I got the pictures below, which are very comical to me!
After we got unstuck we enjoyed a little more riding before loading up and heading back home. All in all, it was a great day. And I got the pictures below, which are very comical to me!
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Couldn't pass up this reflection! I think I need to retire this maternity shirt until next time!!! |
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Yikes!!!! Preggo silhouettes are not flattering in the least! |
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Orange filled Valentine's Candy
Isn't it funny how sometimes we want something and go to great measures to find it, then when it is in abundant supply we can't have it? During this pregnancy I have only had one true craving. That craving was back several months ago and was for the orange filling of the Valentine's chocolate covered candies. Obviously, I wasn't going to find any of those back before Christmas (way before Christmas) so we racked our brains trying to figure out what would give me the flavor I wanted. I finally did find something to satisfy that craving, although I can't remember what it was for the life of me. I'm thinking it may have been an orange creme savers candy but I honestly don't remember for sure. I was just happy to finally have found the flavor I was looking for! Now here we are just past Valentine's Day. Chocolate covered candy with orange fillings are in abundant supply. I even have a box of candy in my desk drawer, testing my will power. So instead of gorging on candy like I normally would this time of year, I'm watching every little thing I put in my mouth and stressing over my glucose readings being too high or too low. It's funny how life works out. I imagine I will make sacrifices on a daily basis for this little one. In the end it will be worth watching every bite to have a healthy baby boy and a happy child.
Happy Belated Valentine's Day friends!
Happy Belated Valentine's Day friends!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Growing up Micah: My Baby Registry
Growing up Micah: My Baby Registry: "Mommy has created a Baby Registry for me at Amazon. Since showers in my honor will be right around the corner I thought she should sha..."
Monday, January 31, 2011
Goodbye January
I hate to see the year going by so fast already. I have no clue where January went. I swear it was just New Year's Day and then we were just returning to work! I wonder why it seems like the older we get, the quicker time goes by. I use to think it was because we got busier as we got older, but I have slowed down significantly the past several months. Time is still ticking by so fast. I don't mind it so much now because it brings me closer to many things, but I wish there was a way to slow it down come May. So many wonderful things are happening this year (for me and friends).
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Bunko girls are the best
This past Tuesday night was our January Bunko meeting. I was surprised with a house warming shower before the games began. It was a great surprise and I got lots of really pretty and useful things for my house. Micah even got a sweet pair of pants. I never in a million years thought anyone would throw us a house warming. My Bunko girls are the best!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
New Blog
Since this blog has morphed into talking about Micah (and he isn't even here) I decided to create a blog dedicated especially to him. Growing up Micah will share milestones and such for Micah. Please feel free to follow his journey growing up. It is sure to be an exciting one! His estimated arrival is only 99 days away!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Pregnancy pictures
We've been having pregnancy pictures done with Kim Kelley Photography. She's been doing a great job. We started at 18 weeks and have been going for "progress" pictures every four weeks. She is doing an amazing job. A sample of her work is below.
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Photo from 18 week session with Kim Kelley Photography. |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jamie and Cyrena
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Hijacked image of Jamie and Cyrena before deployment |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sharing pregnancy with others
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about how blessed Scott and I are. We are blessed through our blessings and the blessings of others. How? Well, I always wanted to be able to have friends and family pregnant at the same time as me so that my child would be fortunate enough to grow up with lots of little friends and cousins around the same age. As I continued to get older, losing hope of pregnancy and thinking more and more of adoption, I began to think my child would not have any friends his age until beginning school. Lo and behold, Micah will have many little friends his age to play with. I actually think more women are pregnant at the same time than I have ever known to be pregnant (not to mention the babies born right before God blessed us with pregnancy). What is even more of a blessing for us is that two of the couples who are pregnant have struggled with infertility, much like Scott and I have. Knowing that, how can anyone not believe in miracles? I love being able to share pregnancy with others. Praise the Lord for miracles and blessings! I wouldn't want it any other way!
On a side note...I grew up around mostly little boys. It's beginning to look like Micah might have just the opposite situation. One of my best friends had a little girl three months ago and my next door neighbor is pregnant with a girl. One of my other friends who is pregnant, I have a feeling will have a little girl (she will find out soon). Either way, he will be blessed with friends.
Update: I was wrong about my friend. She is having a little boy!
On a side note...I grew up around mostly little boys. It's beginning to look like Micah might have just the opposite situation. One of my best friends had a little girl three months ago and my next door neighbor is pregnant with a girl. One of my other friends who is pregnant, I have a feeling will have a little girl (she will find out soon). Either way, he will be blessed with friends.
Update: I was wrong about my friend. She is having a little boy!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Micah's Nursery
Scott and I spent several days of the Christmas break working on preparing Micah's room. My only wish for Christmas was to get as much of the room completed as possible.
The tree wall decal put the nursery on halt. I had an idea of where I wanted everything but I wasn't sure how much room the tree was going to take. If finally came in 3 days after the latest it was suppose to get here. That morning I put tape to mark where I wanted everything on the walls. There are still a few touches that are missing from the nursery...dresser, changing pad, etc., etc. We have a quote above the crib expressing how we feel about Micah. Now I'm just waiting on Scott to hang things on the wall and build me a valance. Once that is done we will have all we can do to the nursery at this point done.
Scott worked diligently on painting Micah's room.
After buying Micah's crib with Christmas money, Scott played the good Dad and put it together after working 32 hours (not to mention the 7 stitches in his hand).
Real men read directions! |
Making sure everything is in place. |
Making sure all screws are tight. |
The finished product. |
And the matching dresser |
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