Thursday, March 10, 2011

Final ultrasound

Yesterday we had our final ultrasound.  This was the first with the ultrasound technician.  She did a really good job but we left without any indication of where Micah is on weight.  Dr. Whittle stopped in to check on us and see how everything was going before heading up to the hospital (we were suppose to meet with him afterward). While he was there, he did tell us that Micah is in the 51 percentile, which is good.  I might add, that is around where he always is and he has always measured slightly bigger than what all of the emails I get say he should be at.  At 32 weeks (where we will be tomorrow) the emails are saying he should weigh around four pounds. 

Finally got to see Micha's face.  Although, it isn't very clear due to the way he was laying (too close to placenta) I can see that he looks like his daddy.  He was sleeping and so sweet.  He kept smiling and sticking out his tongue.

I got great news about sticking my finger yesterday too.  Dr. Whittle asked how my sugar levels were looking and was pleased enough that I had proved I could diet control my gestational diabetes.  Now I only have to check my sugar levels first thing in the morning and two hours after supper.  Yay!  I'm so glad Scott reminded him I was checking continuously!

There really isn't much more to tell.  I didn't have my blood pressure, weight or anything done.  I think him being called out to the hospital made everyone forget they didn't do that.  Oh well.  I am confident my weight is on track and that my blood pressure is still good.  :-) 

Sleeping peacefully.
Kissy face.
Sticking out his tongue/licking lips.

1 comment:

  1. If you are considering a 3D ultrasound 30 weeks is considered to be the optimum time. At between 28 to 30 weeks the baby should have opened his eyes and will have his full facial features including eyebrows and eyelashes.
